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Mew Coloring Pages | Educative Printable 0
Mew Coloring Page - Best coloring page | Pokemon coloring pages 1
Mew Coloring Pages | Educative Printable 2
Mew Pokemon Coloring Page - youngandtae.com | Pokemon coloring pages 3
Pokemon Drawing Mew at GetDrawings | Free download 4
Mew No.151 : Pokemon Generation II - All Pokemon coloring pages Kids 5
Mew coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to develop creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, and color recognition. Self-reliance and perseverance to complete any job. … 6
Mew coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to develop creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, and color recognition. Self-reliance and perseverance to complete any job. … 7
Mew Coloring Pages. You can download free printable Mew coloring pages at Coloringonly.com. We have chosen the best Mew coloring pages which you can download online at mobile, … 8
Mew Pokemon Coloring Pages Printable 9
Mew coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to develop creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, and color recognition. Self-reliance and perseverance to complete any job. … 10
Mew coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to develop creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, and color recognition. Self-reliance and perseverance to complete any job. … 11
151 Mew. Coloring page to print or download and color for your kids. Download Now. Category: Generation 1 Pokemon Tags: Generation 1, Pokemon, Pokemon Generation 1. ... Choose a … 12
Mew lineart by Yumezaka on DeviantArt 13
Pokemon Coloring Pages Legendary Mew - BubaKids.com 14
Famous Pokemon Coloring Red - Blue Goldeen 118 to Mew 151 Free 15
Pokemon Drawing Mew at GetDrawings | Free download 16
Free Printable Pokemon Mew Coloring Pages - Mew Coloring Pages 17
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Mew Coloring Pages at GetColorings.com | Free printable colorings pages 20
Mewtwo Coloring Pages Printable - Free Pokemon Coloring Pages 21
Mew From Pokemon Coloring Pages - Cartoons Coloring Pages - Free 22
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Free Pokemon Mew Coloring Pages - Mew Coloring Pages - Coloring Pages 30
Pokemon Mew Download Collection Of Free Mew Drawing - Pokemon Mew 31
Pokemon Mewtwo Coloring Pages Sketch Coloring Page 32
Pokemon Mew Coloring Page - Coloring Home 33
Pokemon Mewtwo Drawing | Free download on ClipArtMag 34
hey our friends today we're drawing, another pokemon mew yeah me mew not, mewtwo yeah this is baby the baby one, yeah i hope you're gonna follow along, with us you need your drawing supplies, some paper and something to color with, all right let's start let's first draw, mu's eyes we're going to draw two upside, down u shapes and we're going to draw, them in the middle of our paper i'm, going to start here and we're going to, draw an upside down u like this, and then we're going to draw another, we'll leave a little space and then, we're going to draw another upside down, u, next to it that matches, on the inside of each of these used we, can draw extend it down just a little, further, and then let's connect the bottom of, each shape, kind of look like gumdrops now, then we're going to draw muse pupil, we're going to draw a little curve on, the inside, and we're going to draw another curve on, the inside of this eye, now let's draw an oval shape, at the top of the pupil, on both eyes, and then down at the bottom let's draw, an upside down u also, now we're going to color in the inside, shape of each eye, so we want to leave that oval shape, white and also the upside down gumdrop, shape at the bottom, now let's draw the shape of mu's head, we're going to draw the nose first so, we're going to draw it looks like a, smiley face we're going to start here, underneath this eye and come over to the, other eye, and then let's draw the cheeks we're, going to start here on the nose and, we're going to come underneath the eye, and we're going to come out past the eye, and then we're going to match the, outside and curve up and then stop just, right above the eye, and then let's create that same curve on, the other side we're going to come out, just past the eye, curve up, above the eye, now we're going to draw the top of mu's, head we're going to leave a little space, between each of these lines so maybe we, could even draw a guide point there and, a guide point over here, and then we're going to draw a curve in, between, that connects those two guide points, together, so then we're going to draw the ears, we're going to start at the top of the, head draw a diagonal line up and then, curve down, and then we'll do the same thing on the, right side we'll curve out, and then back down, that looks like mu oh wait not quite we, need, eyebrows now it looks like mute, now we're ready to draw mu's body we're, going to start underneath the nose and, we're going to draw a, curve that comes down, curves out for the belly, and then curves back this way oh i might, have made him a little too tall, that's okay, we're just practicing right yes yeah now, we'll come back up and let's draw the, arms and we'll complete the body later, we're going to draw a curve coming out, on the left, and then we can draw that same curve, coming out, on the right side too for the arms, now let's leave a little space we're, going to come down the body right where, the armpit would be and then we're going, to draw another curve and look it tapers, towards, mu's wrist, and then we can we're going to do the, same thing we're going to come down, leave a little space and then we're, going to come out and taper close to the, wrist, now let's draw the fingers and mu has, three fingers so we're going to draw a, sideways v, another one, and then one more for the last finger, kinda looks like a w with an extra, zigzag let's do the same thing over here, for the right side we'll draw a w, and then an extra zigzag, those are sharp fingers, now let's draw mu's legs we're going to, start right underneath the arm and we're, going to draw a curve that comes out, around and back in, now we're going to draw the other leg, we'll start here underneath this arm on, the right side and we're going to draw a, short line that comes down, and then we're going to curve out to, match this curve on this side so we're, going to curve out for the, other leg and we'll curve back in and, look down here at the bottom we're going, to curve back around and keep going, we're going to curve up, and stop, yeah now let's draw mu's feet which are, really long feet we're going to start, here on the left side we're going to, curve out, around for the foot and then curve back, up it's a really tall u, then we could draw two curves for the, toes right at the end of, mu's foot, all right now this foot on the right, side is going to be a lot longer we're, going to draw the heel first, diagonal line, then we're going to draw, a really tall u-shape coming down, further, we're gonna curve down at the bottom for, the toes and then back up, and then connect into the leg, we want it to look the same like the, same width, on both sides, what's our foot missing toes yeah let's, draw those two curves for the toes, all right we're missing one important, thing it's tail yeah mu's tail let's, start on the right side right here on, the hip and we're gonna curve out past, the hand, and then we're gonna connect, right into the cheek, let's draw the other side of the tail, now we're going to start here and we're, going to oh i'm going to start up here, it might be a little easier to trace, around and match, the same curve so we're going to curve, match and then connect into the body, yeah, then let's imagine it going behind mew's, head we're going to start here next to, the ear and we're going to we're going, to draw a really big curve coming around, to the other side, and we want to leave some space, here for the end of the tail, there you go now let's draw the outside, of, mu's tail we're going to match that same, curve, just trace around, and watch this at the very end i'm going, to do something different, we're going to go, way past, where we ended here, that's a fun line huh yeah, i could tell you're concentrating, now we're gonna draw the end of the tail, and it's a lot thicker so we can start, here and we're gonna curve out, and then right here at the end we're, gonna come back in and then it doesn't, have a sharp point at the end but a, little curve, we did it we finished drawing mu it, looks really cool except we still need a, color yeah my favorite part we are going, to fast forward so remember you can, pause the video and match our same, coloring at the very end you ready to, fast forward yeah, we did it we finished coloring new it, looks awesome yeah it does you could, pause the video right now to match the, same color yeah we used our biannual, markers to color mew but you could use, whatever you have at home like crayons, or even oil pastels the colors that we, used if you have the same set is r502, that's the light pink color that we use, for most of mew and then the shading we, use is a purple color r703 and then for, mu's eyes we use b203 we also use a blue, colored pencil and white colored pencil, to add brighter highlights we hope you, had a lot of fun drawing you and we'll, see you later our friends goodbye, [Music]
Ask HN: First Client IssuesI am a hiding my name because this is my first client and I don't want people to go looking for my company (though that might be great advertising).
I've got a client that I know through multiple relationship maps (former co-worker of my wife and sibling of a friend of a friend) and while I was not a friend of the sibling, I was an acquaintance.
Client has a cousin doing her Graphical Design but the GD doesn't have any web experience. GD sent over three PDFs, one of all the products, one of the website, and one of the website specs. The website specs did not contain sizing information for the images or the pages, it contained font/spacing/coloring/page flow information.
I asked the GD for the sizing of the web page and was provided an answer. There was some functionality in the site design which I discussed with the client and removed (GD was inaccessible) based on an agreement.
I finished the site and client reviewed making a few changes. Did a second review and then sent the link to the GD for their review. GD commented on the proportions being off and the distortion of some images. I agreed that the dimensions were off, but that's what I was told to go with and if the measurements I have are not right, I need to know what they should be.
I reached out to the GD via phone and e-mail. Did not hear back until I received an e-mail from the client to both of us.
Basically the e-mail's tone was that of threatening if I couldn't finish the project client would find someone who could and that if the GD can't get me the information than the Client doens't know what I'll need. And yadda yadda yadda.
So the question is:
Do I suck it up and make the changes or do I just write this off as a learning experience?
Thanks. I appreciate it.
Long time lurker...
,Ask HN: Hiring managers and recruiters, how much does resume layout matter?I work at Big 4 and interview people regularly. I get to see the resumes of people who have passed 'resume round' and are now mostly subject to the feedback of the interviewers.
I'm constantly shocked out how many resumes I see that follow none of the best practices everyone involved in 'resume review' talks about. College students with 2+ page resumes. Poor layout choices. Overall 'unprofessional' (font choice, size, coloring, etc) looking. Lots of extra details about their pet, choir, etc. that we're always told to omit unless we're applying at the student union.
Honestly, none of this bothers me. I firmly care more about their accomplishments and ability to perform in the interview than how their PDF looks. But it surprises me that it doesn't seem to concern the people who review candidates purely on their resume. Given some of these resumes, you'd think it was done entirely by a computer. Is it?
Curious what recruiters and hiring managers think about traditional resume best-practices and how much they care about 'bad looking' resumes..
,Ask HN: Why can't Chrome understand difference in closing windows and crashes?I'm really angry. I've asked for this from Chrome developers multiple times: when my chrome windows - all of them - crash in private mode, I want to be able to reopen them, because I didn't close them.
I've just lost over 10 hours of reading that I had opened to work through. (Part of many reasons that I use private mode is that I don't like autocomplete and when I'm done reading about a subject I can simply remember it, I never need it to pop up when I start typing in the URL bar, etc etc. If I need something permanently, I save it.)
So since Chrome developers don't seem to be able to understand the difference, maybe I'm missing something. Does anyone know why they cannot differentiate a Crash from me closing private windows? The promise when you open such a tab is "Pages you view in incognito tabs won’t stick around in your browser’s history, cookie store, or search history after you’ve closed all of your incognito tabs" and not "... after you’ve closed all of your incognito tabs OR THE BROWSER CRASHES."
This is extremely frustrating. This was very important reading for me that I spent many hours collecting so that I could focus on it. I have tried add-ons and they don't work. I just want Chrome to meet its promise and have these tabs and windows open untiL I (not a crash) has closed all of them. They could at least make it an option.
I hope someone can clear up my thinking. I've just lost a devastating amount of my time. Now all I have is a paper checklist of the subjects, for me to again repeat my background research into. This doesn't seem a fair burden on the user, to have to use a pen and paper to do Chrome's developers' job for them: i.e. to let me read what I've opened and not close it and make it disappear without any way to get it back, and not at my request.
Do I really need to use pen and paper here? At least let me set this behavior as an option..
,VC's: Experienced 50 year old with good ideas. Will you talk to me?For context:
I have a ton of business and tech experience. I've launched several garage businesses. One did really well but the economy, circumstances and a perennially under-funded state (hardware is capital intensive) killed it. All were interesting experiences.
I've never raised any money. I self-funded everything I've ever done. The last one to the tune of over half a million dollars of my own money. I am no stranger to being all-in and putting it all on the line for something I believe in.
Circumstances are different now. Either I take my time and bootstrap from small to large projects or look for investors.
Sadly, I will not move to SV and I will not live on noodles. Bummer.
I have identified two opportunities I think have merit.
The first is a pure software web/mobile service. As is often the case, it is a twist on existing product. I believe the twist is what makes it very interesting, gives it wide appeal and could make it huge. It can go global. I have a 70 page deck covering just about every aspect of this venture. No, it's not a new Facebook. It's a B-to-B, C-to-C (and permutations thereof) service.
The second is a novel use of quadcopters. No regulatory issues I am aware of. Sizable world-wide appeal. This is definitely a case of first-mover advantage. With proper funding and support, execution would be fast and painless. This wouldn't be a an R&D project. This is a D project. Define, develop and go to manufacturing. Heard of "live long and prosper"? This one is "move fast and conquer". Probably the Klingon version. I don't have a deck on this one. It's a recent discovery of mine and I've put zero time into developing a deck. With one video I can show anyone this is a good idea.
Looking for a low impedance bank account to help launch either or both of these..
,Gaming HN for an Orange Name - A WarningMy name, at the time of posting, is orange. It's kind of nice to be recognized for being upvoted on average, even if I don't make a huge number of comments and will never be on the leaderboard.
However, it just feels wrong. I've been unconsciously working on getting a high average for a while, and this will only encourage my unproductive behavior. I sometimes refrain from posting when I know my comment won’t be read or won’t be upvoted.
In the spirit of pointing out the full effects of this change, I will now offer a simple list of guidelines so that you too can get your name in orange and feel like a real man/woman/entrepreneur.
As for me, I’m with tptacek—opt me out of a colored name.
1. Only post in threads that are on the front page or look sure to get on the front page. If no one will see your comment, no one will upvote you.
2. Don’t post on a front page post that already has more than a full page of text. Your comment will appear at the bottom and no one will scroll all the way down there. You’re just yelling into the void.
3. When possible, reply to a highly rated comment that doesn’t already have replies. Particularly focus on getting your comment to appear 'above the fold' when it is posted. This will ensure that your comment is read and enjoyed.
4. Don't post against the prevailing mood of a post. If the mood of that article is pro-libertarian, beware critiquing that philosophy! On the other hand, when the population is more balanced in that individual thread, feel free. In general someone who agrees is more likely to upvote than someone who disagrees, so you should get be ahead on balance.
5. As soon as you make a comment, upvote the article and all of the parents to your comment. This will put your article closer to the public eye. If you want to truly join the dark side, vote down the other comments on the thread or other replies. I’ve never done this, but it’s an option.
6. Say something interesting. Without this, you’ve got nothing!
7. If you’re trying to be funny or sarcastic, make it incredibly obvious. If it’s not incredibly obvious what you’re trying to say, don’t bother posting.
8. Don't get involved in a long discussion! This will only end with a bunch of 1 point posts that drag your average down.
Let me say in closing that HN is one of the best discussions on the net and I’ve been privileged to be here with you all. pg, thanks for all the work you put in.
Still, we should be realistic about the behavior that we are promoting. Goodnight and good luck!.
,Ask HN: What do you do on your devices, on your own time?I've been kind of burned out/out of ideas for a long time. I just find myself listening to old podcasts I've already heard and opening and closing HN's front page. 20 times in a hour.
So I have a bit of a personal question for you all, to maybe help me (and perhaps others) have ideas on what to actually use my devices for.. what do you actually use your laptop/desktop for? Separately, what do you do with your phone? How do you determine when to use which?
Speaking about non-work hours. Work's usually pretty easy for me.
,Ask HN: Startup Living NYCStartup Living NYC
I just made it to the city with everything I own and version one of my product SureDone - I've got some resources including http://www.linkedlistnyc.org , http://www.generalassemb.ly , http://startupdigest.com/new-york-city/ , and http://wiki.coworking.info/w/page/16583629/CoworkingNewYorkCity to keep one busy for time to come.
I'm looking for startup centric living resources like startup housing or targeted communities. Low rent options to give time for new resident me to establish a home. Cheap safe places to sleep in the city at night would be of most help.
I came here to make friends, win peers, trade labor, and build internet business, win or die...
Any help is greatly appreciated..
,Could “View Source” Ever Vanish from the Browser?I've been working on a session to teach kids a little bit of "hacking," and it involves introducing them to the "inspect element" feature of the browser and letting them edit the contents of a web page. The thought is that, by letting them play with the HTML and code of their favorite websites, they can learn a little bit about how it all comes together. But a haunting thought came to me: what if websites started closing off their code and making it proprietary, shutting people out from that layer of understanding. Could this ever happen, or am I being paranoid?.
,Ask HN: have Google search results worsened?It seem like over the last 6 months to a year the quality of google search results has gone down significantly.
It's not really subtle either. I'm coming across outright broken links on the first page of results fairly regularly. Other times, the quality of the linked site is so bad that I can't even view the content (e.g. popups that obscure the entire view of the page that I have no way of closing, broken javascript that doesn't let me view the content, or forced subscriptions that prevent me from viewing the content).
Sometimes it's a little more subjective, but it's things like ranking spam, ad-riddled sites over official documentation when googling for exact API terms.
Has anyone else noticed this?.
,Xoopit for Gmail ClosingDear Xoopit for Gmail user,
We will be officially turning off Xoopit for Gmail on November 13, 2009, to focus our efforts on making My Photos for Yahoo! Mail an amazing product and bring those features to all Yahoo! Mail users. Given our focus, we decided we cannot adequately support the Xoopit for Gmail product and give you a great experience in the future. Here are some details to guide you through this transition.
Do I need to download any files or pictures?
Most Xoopit for Gmail users follow standard Gmail conventions and choose to archive—not delete—mail. In this case all of your data should still be accessible via Gmail. If you have ever posted to a blog from Xoopit you should download those photos and host them on another site (e.g., Flickr). If you do not download these photos by November 13, 2009, you will no longer be able to access them through Xoopit.
Are there Gmail features that can help me?
Yes! The following Gmail Labs features may help with your migration away from Xoopit.
* Search AutoComplete
* YouTube previews in mail
* Picasa previews in mail
* Flickr previews in mail
* Google Search
You can also do searches like 'filename:(jpg OR png)' (to see all the emails that have photo attachments) or 'has:attachments' (for all the emails with attachments). See Gmail's page on Advanced Search for more details. You won’t have the exact same experience as Xoopit, but it will help.
To help you through this transition, we've compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions and resources here.
Thank you for using Xoopit for Gmail. We’ll miss you!
The Xoopit team.
,Moo.com shuts down Flavors.me (acquired 2012)Hello,
With regret, we’ve made the decision to close down Flavors.me.
Due to a change in strategic direction, we've decided to move resources to focus on other digital projects and MOO's core heartland - helping businesses of all sizes look their best with beautiful printed products.
We fully appreciate how frustrating this is and hope you understand that we’ve deliberated over this decision for many months. Recent issues with Flavors have forced us to look very carefully at the service we provide and we no longer feel we can offer a robust service into the future.
We’ve already disabled new sign-ups and in the coming months we will begin to retire parts of the service. Due to this, we will be closing all free subscriber accounts on 31st March 2017. You are more than welcome to continue using Flavors until this date, but we’d encourage you to start looking for an alternative solution.
Below are a couple of suggested tools for building an online presence, from companies that we know and trust will provide a solid platform and a good customer experience.
Squarespace: We are excited to offer 10% off Squarespace for your new website. Try Squarespace for free, and when you’re ready to launch, get ten percent off your first purchase with the offer code FLAVORS10. This offer is effective through March 31, 2017.
About.me: A simple way to create your free, one-page website in just a few minutes. There are paid upgrade options available if you want to use your own domain.
As it isn’t going to be possible to automatically migrate your existing Flavors content, if you have any questions please feel free to get in touch with us via support@flavors.me
Best regards,
Flavors Support.
,Ask HN: Sell your single page web appI'm buying all single page web apps. Have a stagnant side project you haven't touched in years, or something you are actively maintaining? Doesn't matter I'd like to buy it. Here is my criteria:
- Site must receive more than 10k unique visitors per month
- English only
I typically offer the following:
- 36x monthly revenue (industry standard) - No revenue? Lets talk anyways.
- Don't deal with brokers and their commissions
- Escrow 24hr cash close
- I have gone from settling a price to closing a sale in 30 minutes, no hoopla, no months of Q&A, just a quick and simple sale.
Shoot me the following info (email in profile) and lets talk. I have acquired a number of websites from HNers in the past:
- Last 3mo uniques/pv
- Last 3mo revenue
- Last 3mo expenses.
,Failed for the past 12 years as an tech entrepreneurBack when I was 24, I pretty much hated my 9-5 job because of lack of control over my destiny, the limit of earnings and growth and the idea of going to the office every single day. I realized I could start something of my own.
So I started to look for something easy to do work on that would not consume a lot of my time. Blogs were a rage back then and multi-million dollar exits were quite common. I bought a domain and installed WordPress and started blogging after my working hours. I started a technology blog in the hope to replicate the success of Mashable and Techcrunch. I spent about 4 hours every night covering tech news about companies and social media in general.
2 years passed and I burned out myself. Traffic to the blog was flat and I was not making any meaningful money. I shut it down.
A few months later, I started a website that pulled information from Amazon and displayed dresses in a fancy and intuitive website. I opened a Facebook page, spent a lot of time marketing it and eventually made a grand total of 2 sales in a span of 3 months.
I decided to give up.
The very next year, I decided to build a note-taking web app that was a mash of Google calendar and a to-do list app. The idea was that people would see today's schedule by default and they would easily add and manage tasks.
I hosted it for a few months and lost interest due to a lack of customers.
After taking a break for a year or so, I decided to do something ground-breaking. I built my version of Facebook Groups/Slack that would allow people to share something interesting with others. You could create groups and add/remove people from them. The UI was fancy and a few of my friends and family loved it.
A few months after running it, I shut it down. I found it hard to justify its existence since everybody else was using Facebook groups and with the rise of mobile apps that allowed seamless sharing, my application made no sense.
Sensing an opportunity in media space again, I then started a news aggregator website that aggregated news titles from hundreds of outlets storing thousands of news articles per day. The website was smart enough to cluster the news articles based on topics which, Google news does well. People loved it and it got great reviews, but it was not growing fast enough.
And like earlier, I ran out of patience after 6 months and I shut it down.
After multiple failures, I decided to take a longer break. I had pretty much given up my entrepreneurship journey knowing there was no way I could build a reasonably successful business.
A year passed and I started to feel uneasy with myself and my day job.
So, I built a stupid web app that cleaned new articles by stripping them off of ads and showing only the relevant content. I shared it and got no real feedback from others. Nobody cared.
That's where it hit me, why not pivot to and a link management platform? I thought it's so easy to build and manage it. I could feel the tingling in my body. I built https://blanq.io/ with the excitement of a toddler.
I was so wrong.
I spent the next 1 year building the landing page, the entire web app plus some extra features in a hope that it will take off.
For the first 18 months, I had no paying customers. I put everything into this. All my previous experiences of failures and learning went into building this platform. "How could I fail?" I thought.
I then decided to stick to it and give myself 3 years to decide its fate.
On the 19th month, my efforts started to pay off. I landed my first customers then 2nd and then 3rd.... and so on. It's been 8 months since then and I now have 10 paying customers using my platform almost every day and growing every month.
My learning:
1.Don't quit too soon and don't be too hard on yourself.
2.With each failure, you do get better at not failing.
3.You improve at everything as time passes - marketing, programming, sales, operations..
,How not to get on covered on TechCrunchI launched my startup officially last week (Eureka Science News - http://esciencenews.com - intelligent news aggregator, fully automated, similar to techmeme and Google News, but with full content on the site - check out the /about page if you want to know more). I got amazingly positive feedback from it; got covered on the front page of Drupal with a full write-uo on how I built the site, in details(http://drupal.org/node/261340); Drupal is the open-source CMS I built my site with, so it was my way of giving back to the community.
After that, I figured 'hey! Maybe I actually have a chance with TechCrunch!'. In my mind TC covers only very high profile, tech-related startups, so at first I didn't think that they would be interested by a science news site started part-time by a PhD student in retrovirology ;) So I submitted my story via the form on their contact page. No answer for two days, so I submitted it to Mashable, which wrote a post about the site very quickly (http://mashable.com/2008/05/21/eureka-science-new/). Cool, but the traffic this link generated was much lower than I expected (< 200 views, Drupal gave me > 6000).
I then looked back at TC contact page and noticed a the 'newstip' email link at the top of the page; the contact form is much more visible, but now I can tell that the newstip email link is much more efficient; I wrote a quick mail about my site and the coverage that we got so far on Drupal and Mashable, thinking that it would help getting covered on TechCrunch.
This time they answered promptly; I was very excited! But they said that while my site was very interesting, they like to cover news first and that they were going to pass on this one since we got covered by Mashable, even if they love science.
It's very sad because Eureka Science News is the first vertical I used my intelligent news aggregator for - copyright-free press releases are readily available for most news published daily; I'm looking for VC funding to license Associated Press content to build a website covering all news categories. Getting on TC would have helped for sure!
So don't make the same mistake, submit to TechCrunch FIRST via the newstip email link, not the contact form! At worse, you'll get rejected and you can give the exclusive to someone else ;) I sure wish I did, now I won't know the kind of traffic TC can send (but I'm sure its more than the 200 hits I got from Mashable!). I even had nightmares about it last night, a thing you sure want to avoid ;).
,Ask HN: Pre-launch feedback on my sitePrompted in part by HN, I am in what I hope to be the final stages of launching v1 of a new site. Five sentences of background:
I am a blogger/freelance copywriter/marcom guy who is always monitoring the latest and greatest in tech. I have an immense interest in web services and a great admiration for the people/teams behind them, simply put, because they make my life easier. I do not however, have an appropriate outlet through which I can share the various services I come across and thank the teams behind them by giving them exposure. Most services I find do not fit well with the content I cover at the main blog I write for, so I needed another way. As such, I did my best to create one...
Services like Stumble Upon, Digg, etc are fantastic for people who have plenty of expendable time to devote. Even with the big-name blogs covering web apps and services, it can be hard for the average office worker to keep up with the waterfall. I wanted to try hitting the problem from a different angle - using the Woot.com principle as a basic model.
My site, worthyy, presents users with one new site to explore each day. The presentation is unique in that users experience each day's site without any outside influence from me or anyone else (beyond visible ratings). I want the developer's work to do the talking, so the homepage of worthyy is dynamic. It consists of two frames: The main frame being the actual site of the day and a secondary frame in front of it near the bottom of the screen (the 'worthyy bar'). Users can browse and experience the site of the day as if they had hit it directly. If they so desire, they can also use the worthyy bar to rate the site, bookmark the site or click through to interact with others and discuss the site on worthyy's supporting pages (wordpress).
Thanks in advance for any feedback you guys might have. We do have a few issues left to be resolved - and when I say we I mean the developers I outsourced the project to. I know, I know - but without any coding experience or time to learn, I had no choice. For this reason of course, your feedback is invaluable. Barring catastrophe the site should be ready to launch next week. Thanks also to the few HN members who have been involved with preliminary testing and for their feedback. I already have some great additions lined up for v2 should I be lucky enough to get that far with the project..
,Ask HN: How do you manage your learning?Hi everyone,
I know a lot of articles and discussions have appeared on the art of reading on HN. But I had had this issue for a while now, and was hoping someone out there could help me out.
So for starters, I started to learn Haskell late last year from the Real World Haskell book. Being a new-comer to functional programming its taken me almost a month to read and digest 150 pages or so. Smack in the middle of January I landed a new assignment that involved a host of new (Java) technologies, so I had to drop Haskell for a while to catch up on those. I then had to review a book for a author friend.
This has been a regular cycle. I start something with great enthusiasm, I am thoroughly enjoying myself, only to have hit a situation where I need to drop it to learn something else. I have half a dozen of so books covering management, finance, self-help on my shelf right now, and I see no way of catching up.
I am sure several others out there have the same predicament. I don't have a problem learning, rather I would learn something new everyday. Its just commitments that keep getting in the way.
So the question is how do you manage your learning process? How do you find time to read, learn, digest all the varied interests that catch your eye (be it new languages, frameworks, technologies, other areas of interest, hobbies what-have-you).
Any suggestions will be welcome..
,Tell HN: NoSQL NYC Meetup/Mini-Conference - this Monday Evening (Oct. 5)We are holding a Meetup/Mini-Conference in NY this coming Monday, October 5.
Full details are at: http://anyvite.com/events/home/1aczrvxjp6 including RSVP, which we request you please use so we don't flood our rented venue.
I know there's an upcoming NoSQL East conference in Atlanta at end of October, we had started planning and announcing this several months ago. Unfortunately, tracking down space and getting everything organized took a bit more time. We have finally nailed down a larger space to hold this in, and hope that despite the short notice some of you HNers would care to join us.
The idea here is a short meetup and learning; it's not always easy to duck out of work for a tech conference so we hope a few hours out of your evening will leave you feeling enlightened.
Speakers will be covering CouchDB, MongoDB (and a panel with representatives of both projects comparing and contrasting the at-the-surface-similar systems), AllegroGraph RDF Store and using Clojure with Hadoop.
We also are looking for people to present lightning talks on NoSQL topics, so if you have a 5 minute talk in mind that covers a NoSQL technology you think people should see, use cases, examples of projects you've deployed tech (or even replacing MySQL, Sybase, Oracle etc with a NoSQL system) please email me (Link to my 'lightning talk signup' mail bucket is on the anyvite page).
Also, huge thanks goes out to 10Gen <http://www.10gen.com> who has done the legwork for securing and renting a venue for this event..
,Ask HN: Are there tools to schedule tasks to execute at specific times?'cron' and 'at' seem like too much of a (bad) hack for anything more than a couple thousand tasks that need to be scheduled. I am writing a web app that has to close auctions and send out emails, transfer money/tokens around, etc.
The PHP programmers tell me to just do a lazy check on each page load for auctions that are closed- if I do that, I'd probably throw it on to an SQS queue and have some server instance processing the closing auctions in bulk. But what if it's a cold day in hell and nobody is triggering these page loads? etc.
What other solutions are out there for time-sensitive scheduling for arbitrarily large numbers of tasks?.
,Ask HN: I'm about to take a big step in my life. I would like your opinion.I'm a frequent reader of HN (I check the front page at least twice a day.) I've created this account so that I could ask your opinion on a big step in my life I am thinking of taking. I value your opinion.
I'm almost 20 right now and in my third year of college. I have never been successful with members of the opposite sex ever since puberty. In high school and college I was perceived as being socially awkward by those I came in contact with. Being unable to find intimacy and being a total virgin (never touched a girl other than while shaking hands) and my poor social life has made me very depressed.
I think a significant part of my problems can be solved if I loose my virginity, so I'm thinking of closing the chapter with a 'girlfriend experience' hooker.
Do you think loosing my virginity to a hooker will solve my problems? If there are any others who have gone through similar problems as I have and come out of it, what would you suggest that I do?.
,Ask HN: Why does StackOverflow close so many useful topics?I can't actually log into my SO account at the moment because MyOpenID is giving problems so thought I would ask the question here as I respect the opinion of HN'ers.
Often when searching for information on something technology related I get linked to SO and almost always the information on SO is great. I have also found that a lot of these topics have been closed. For example there is a SO topic on HN front page right now about Language to use for Safety Critical Software. This has been very popular on both HN and SO and yet the topic is already closed on SO.
I find this rather frustrating as it seems that almost any question about 'what is best?' or 'how would you do this?' is closed, irrespective of how relevant the question is and how good the answers are.
It seems that in their zeal to prevent religious wars the moderators are closing very interesting, relevant and well reasoned topics.
This behaviour does not make a lot of sense to me and is starting to detract, in my opinion, from the usefulness and relevance of Stackoverflow. Just where is one supposed to go to get these types of questions answered from domain experts?.
Reddit Images 59

Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe 0

page coloring for ch 171. 1

Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page) 2
![[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts!](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/UpND8E4BNg1WhQTCR-abwBBWY92st_o_Fk8WDcz91bk.jpg)
[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts! 3
![[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/VFVEf9PU99KuWqs0aJmoig5ZLlmEurIH9KVdH7n-PIY.jpg)
[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book 4

Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book 5

First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts? 6

{Artwork} Finally finished working on the coloring of this mask-less Spider-Gwen. It's about 98% pencils, with 2% of it in gel pen. It's a page from Marvel's WOMEN OF POWER coloring book, w/original art by Emanuela Lupacchino from Spider-Gwen Vol 2 #6 (Cover B Variant). 7

My coloring of the cover page for Ch. 159 8

This took SO many hours and it isn't even technically the first page... Maybe I should have picked something easier for my first time trying adult coloring, but I've always been ambitious. 9

Colored a page in my Horror Coloring Book (with colored pencils)! Available on Amazon + 5 Free Downloadable Coloring Pages 💀 See links in comments, thank you! 10

I colored an Empires-themed page from the latest Hermits and Friends Coloring Book 11

coloring page! 12

HEAT 2 - coloring page 13

Cool Platinum Age gem - The Story Of Just Kids (McLoughlin Bros. 1932). This is a 20 page mixture of text and prose illustrated in 3 colors. Just Kids was a kid humor strip that ran from 1923 to 1950. It was popular enough to inspire a comic book, a coloring book and a fistful of Big Little Books. 14

I TRIED to colour this Melanie Martinez coloring book page.I'll do more of these. 15
What are Pokemon Mew coloring pages?, What are Pokemon Mew coloring pages?, What are colormew coloring pages for kids?, What are colormew coloring pages for kids?, What type of Pokemon is Mew?, What type of Pokemon is Mew? , What are Pokemon Mew coloring pages?, What are Pokemon Mew coloring pages?, What are colormew coloring pages for kids?, What are colormew coloring pages for kids?, What type of Pokemon is Mew?, What type of Pokemon is Mew?
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