57 minecraft skeleton coloring page
minecraft skeleton coloring page
Minecraft Skeleton Drawing at GetDrawings | Free download 0
Mar 23, 2018 · Click the Minecraft Skeleton with Hoe coloring pages to view printable version or color it online (compatible with iPad and Android tablets). You might also be interested in … 1
Download and print free Minecraft Skeleton coloring pages. Skeleton coloring pages are a fun way for kids of all ages, adults to develop creativity, concentration, fine motor skills, and color … 2
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Supercoloring.com is a super fun for all ages:Minecraft skeleton coloring page from minecraft cat... Minecraft skeleton coloring pages. Minecraft mutant skeleton coloring pages. Printable … 7
May 28, 2021 · Coloring pages minecraft any child knows about a game like minecraft. Download and print free minecraft skeleton coloring pages. Source: www.pinterest.com. Minecraft … 8
Minecraft Coloring Pages presents eBooks and Apps with pictures of popular Minecraft characters, including Creepers, Endermen and Zombies. T tatimaia 25 followers More information … 9
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Minecraft Skeleton Drawing at GetDrawings | Free download 21
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hey our friends we're going to draw, another minecraft character today aren't, we charged yeah what are we drawing, today a skeleton cool, all right chuckers you got your marker, i hope you guys are gonna follow along, with us you have something to draw with, and you have a piece of paper in front, of you we're just gonna use regular, eight and a half by eleven printer paper, right yeah and we use a sharpie because, we don't like erasing right we like, spending all of our time drawing and, it's good to draw it's good to do it, that way because then you just spend, more time drawing and less time erasing, right yeah yeah and we love practicing, yeah you ready to start yeah all right, let's do this okay checkers we're going, to start with our paper horizontal or, vertical which way vertical yes this is, vertical this is horizontal right we, could draw it this way but then the guy, would be our skeleton would be a little, smaller this lets us draw him really big, right yeah okay and then we're also, going to try and keep him super simple, but we're going to draw him 3d so he, looks awesome yeah okay so we're going, to first start with his head and it's, going to be up here at the top and we're, going to draw a square all right we're, going to draw a straight line up at the, top for the top of his head and i'm just, going to draw it right in the middle i'm, turning my paper sideways like this so i, can draw the straight line by dragging, the line close to me, and then that way it's a little easier, to draw a straight line without a ruler, but if our art friends want to use the, ruler they can, cool yeah if we go too fast what can our, friends do pause the video yes if we, ever go too fast you can always pause, the video, all right you ready for the next step, yeah we're gonna draw two lines straight, down from the from each uh, side of this line, so that we can draw our square and you, want these lines, what's so special about a square, um, they're, about same on the same on each side yes, each each side of the square is the same, distance, as the other one they all match right, and so you can kind of use your fingers, if you want or you can use a ruler, and i'm going to say that's pretty good, although i think it needs to be a little, taller, and i do think that the skeleton's, head's actually taller than our square, but it's okay we're gonna keep it simple, and then we're gonna connect the bottom, all right so i turn my paper sideways so, i can drag, the line across, that looks really good dude good job, okay now we're going to draw the side of, his head and this is where he's going to, start looking 3d okay so we're going to, extend the bottom line just a little out, so we're not going to make him too 3d or, just a little bit, so that he looks awesome then the top, line we're going to draw and it's going, to be slightly diagonal see how it's, coming down, just a little bit, and that way it looks like there's a, little perspective but we're not going, to worry too much about, making this perspective then we're going, to draw a straight line down, and there's the side of his head it's, pretty easy huh, all right okay now let's draw his face, and we're going to draw his mouth first, so we're going to come in on each side, and we're going to draw or let's put a, point so i'm going to come in diagonally, put a point right there, you know what i probably put could have, put that a little further in that's okay, i'm going to put a point right there and, then that's where i'm going to connect, those two lines, so, the the um the purpose is to try and, draw, or to put that point in diagonally from, the corner and then we'll have an equal, space down here at the bottom, and an equal space here so the same, distance, space on the bottom is the same distance, on the side good job dude okay so now, we're going to take this distance right, here and we're going to draw a line, above, so that it's equal to that space that's, below, so this line is the same distance here, and here mine's a little taller but, that's okay, and then we're going to connect the top, and that's going to be his mouth, awesome okay now we're gonna take this, same distance and we're gonna put, another gap up here and this is where, his eye is gonna start okay and then, we're gonna put another point on this, side same distance across over there, what's wrong, it looks like two eyeballs, oh it does it's really teeny eyes, i like that all right, we should do a character on our own that, just looks like that it looks like a, funny robot yeah, all right okay now we're gonna divide we, want uh equal spaces so we want an equal, i and an equal nose and equal i i over, here if that makes sense so we want to, divide this into we want uh two more, dots in here so we're going to come, across and we're going to try and space, out two more dots okay i'm just going to, guess and you can use a ruler if you, want we're going to try not to, all right, so there we go there's our equal spaces, okay let's connect these first the first, two dots over here, okay and we could we could connect those, but we're going to leave them so that we, can um, we're going to leave the space there and, we're going to connect them later, okay so that's our, so that's our the bottom of our eyes now, we're going to draw a line here, and here, i know it might look weird but it'll, make sense in a second, so the the this distance right here is, the same distance right here so now, we're going to come across, and we're going to draw that top of his, eye and then down connect it, top of his eye and then down on this, side, good job, okay and then we're going to connect in, between here now like i was saying and, then that's his nose, it's a little tricky hopefully that made, sense our friends composite rewind it if, they need to but uh the idea is to try, and get all the spacing right so all of, this is equal spacing okay so let's go, ahead and color that in okay dude okay, all right, good job dude we left we didn't color, his nose because we're gonna use uh just, a grey for that okay okay all right so, now let's keep going let's do his uh, chest and his ribs so we're gonna draw a, line that comes straight down from his, from this side of his body, good and then we're going to draw, another one that comes down on this side, and we want that to be the same, same distance down then we're going to, draw another one on this side, same distance down, good okay now let's connect them, so we'll draw a line down, across the bottom to connect them all, good job, okay checkers now we're going to keep, this really easy we're just going to put, four rectangles right here for his ribs, so this is going to divide up his ribs, and we want these to be about the same, kind of size that we drew up here for, his eyes okay so we can just kind of, keep it simple and then this edge right, here is going to line up with the edge, of, his uh eyes, you see that, we can do the same on this side, we're just going to draw these in really, quick so we just keep it easy, good that's awesome okay now he has one, more rib down here that's a little, smaller than the rest of them so we're, going to come in and line it up with the, edge of the the rib uh little boxes and, we'll do another line on this side and, the same distance down okay, okay, good job and i kind of made these a, little bit shorter that's okay that you, made them longer and we're practicing, right yeah okay and we're gonna do one, more line over here so it's 3d like the, side of his, body over here this is the same distance, and then we'll connect the bottom, just like that, good and then we're gonna put a smaller, little box right inside and the inside, of this box is gonna line up with the, inside of the other ribs that we drew, okay, like that, nice let's look it's so cool okay now, let's draw the the uh part of his waist, that connects to, his uh hips, so we draw two lines that come down and, then this is going to be a little block, too so we need, some three a 3d side to it, okay and then let's connect that and, then this is we're going to connect this, line with actually a line that goes all, the way out to the edges of his body, that can go all the way out, good, you can kind of imagine that imaginary, line coming down that's where it lines, up okay now we're gonna do we're gonna, add, a line down, there, and we're gonna add two lines over here, so take this line, on the side of his body and we're gonna, carry it down here and then that's where, we're gonna, do that line, so make sure you use this outside one, good, yup this line yeah good and go all the, way down so it matches this one, perfect okay and then we're going to do, the same with this one come down here, and we'll do that edge, good and then let's connect the bottom, the bottom of that those three lines, awesome okay now let's do his legs we're, going to come in, and line up with this line now we'll, come down i'm going to draw a big long, line down, there's first leg, good and then we're going to draw, another line this one's going to come in, two at the same distance over here so we, want to come in just a little bit a, little bit over here, we're going to draw a line that matches, that first one we drew, so, yeah so see this distance right here and, this distance match, good, yes, okay and then we're gonna come in here, and we're gonna do two lines to divide, up these two, uh to divide the line or divide the legs, so there's the other line for the first, leg, and then here's the line for the second, leg, right next to it and you want those legs, to look the same, good, and then let's add a 3d side to that to, the legs, like that, and a 3d line to this leg also, good, you got it, yeah good job dude you having fun yeah, okay let's connect the bottom of his leg, so i'm gonna do the first line don't do, all of them yet just do the first two, lines, like that, now actually go ahead because we drew, the other line all the way down but you, can tip if you have room you can tip, that bottom line up just a little bit so, that it looks like it's more 3d, there we go good job that looks awesome, what's he missing uh, nothing he's missing some arms, all right so let's, let's do his arm so we're going to, extend the line that comes out from his, neck on this side he's flying like this, i think he looks awesome but he needs, some arms oh how's he going to hold a a, a bow and arrow, i don't know, he looks like a rocket ship, all right so extend that out good and, then we're gonna extend uh we're gonna, leave a little gap and then we're gonna, come down, and this is gonna be for his arm, good job yeah you got to leave some, space for the armpit, okay and then we're going to draw, another line on this side for this arm, for the other side of his arm and then, you're going to draw connective hair no, that's disgusting, then connect the bottom, okay and then let's draw another line, right here for the 3d part of his arm, that comes down, and connects down here and then we'll, connect this in, good job and then let's do the same on, this side let's, extend this line out, and then we'll and then we'll draw this, line down, and then another line down right next to, it for his arm for the other side of his, arm, and then we're going to extend this line, out right here so we can draw a 3d side, to his arm, and then another line down for that 3d, side, and then connect him down at the bottom, we did it dude check it out that was, awesome yeah you did a good job he looks, really cool okay let's color him though, so it looks even more 3d okay okay all, right checkers this could be really, complicated huh yeah yeah we got two, colors this is gonna be hard, we got a light gray and a dark gray and, we're just gonna keep it really simple, so that is it looks 3d and it's easy to, do and these are oil pastels from uh, pentel we'll leave a link in the, description where our friends can pick, them up but if they don't have oil, pastels you can use anything you can use, crayons or markers all you need is a, light gray and a dark gray okay so first, step let's get our light gray and we're, going to do all of the front surfaces, and we're going to use the dark gray to, do the side surfaces and that'll make it, look like the light is coming from this, direction and leaving a shadow on the, right side okay so do you know what i, mean by the front side of the front, surfaces so we'll do the front of his, face, the front of his arm, front of this arm, the front of his, ribs, and the front of the small rib his spine, his hips and his legs, and that's it we're going to leave this, side uh, for the dark gray okay okay all right so, let's fast forward, right now, good job chuckers you did awesome okay, now let's get our dirt gray and we're, going to do all the rest okay except, we're not going to color the the little, squares inside his ribs we want to make, sure we leave those white but we want to, color his nose with the darker gray too, and then we're going to color all of the, side surfaces so they look like they're, in shadow all right yeah okay let's do, it, checkers good job man your skeleton, turned out super amazing, thanks brother, i'm not your brother, my son thank you son, well we had a lot of fun and we did take, a little extra time making sure that the, spacing was right and that the lines, were straight right yeah but we could, practice him again and get and draw him, a lot faster and we can't i bet we could, also even learn him from memory we can, memorize how to draw him so that we, could draw him for our friends yeah yeah, that would be super awesome we could, teach our friends how to do it yeah, well another thing that i want to tell, our friends is that they could probably, draw him in different positions they, could draw his arms up and they could, also add like a bow and arrow in there, too right yeah that would be way cool, and another thing that we do is we, always leave our lessons with a white, background don't we but our friends can, always add backgrounds in after the, video so you guys could take time and, draw in like some grass blocks you could, even draw in a wolf behind him that's, going to attack him that would be cool, yeah yeah it would be super awesome we, want to see how awesome your skeletons, turned out be sure to ask your parents, or an adult to take a photo of your, drawing and send it to us right yeah, what's our email address, for kids up yeah, yeah it's my art for kidshub.com, we want to see how awesome your, skeletons are and we want to see the, backgrounds too yeah that'd be way cool, all right we'll see you later our, friends goodbye, you
Reddit Images 27

cool skeleton coloring page 0

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Should minecraft add baby skeletons? 2

My cute hamster fighting his way through Minecraft lava cave with skeletons 3

How you guys like my skeleton farm?linl in the comments.survival minecraft lets play 4

Warden Minecraft coloring page - my draw 06/04/2022 5

Just finished another page of the coloring book. Page 6… I believe 6

I created Spooky Scary Skeletons in Minecraft 7

page coloring for ch 171. 8

Konomi coloring by @Shazayumart (chapter 93 cover page) 9

Critique please! I’m really happy with the color of the skeleton in the first effect but when it runs away, it doesn’t look right. 10
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[Other] who is this villain on my son’s coloring page? It’s driving me nuts! 11
![[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/VFVEf9PU99KuWqs0aJmoig5ZLlmEurIH9KVdH7n-PIY.jpg)
[No Spoilers] Digitally colored the cover page (not the actual cover of the book itself) of the Life Is Strange coloring book 12
![[Minecraft] #22 decided to record the amount of deaths trying to get to this platinum. 13 to enderdragon, 15 in nether (lava, pigmen, ghast and enderman), 3 overworld (2 Skeleton and 1 embarrassing fall). Total:31 deaths.](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/smCDU9O6me3mclxeAkF-eoE5XESoEL7k8jpuLsJCtW4.jpg)
[Minecraft] #22 decided to record the amount of deaths trying to get to this platinum. 13 to enderdragon, 15 in nether (lava, pigmen, ghast and enderman), 3 overworld (2 Skeleton and 1 embarrassing fall). Total:31 deaths. 13

Minecraft Magic Color Theory (text not needed, details posted in comment bellow) 14

POV: You just walked into a Minecraft skeleton spawner 15

Age of Sigmar Deathrattle Skeleton painted in a Grimdark Halloween color scheme 16

First page of the coloring book done! Any thoughts? 17

Randomly coloring one page of my coloring book 18
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